Earth Day Volunteer Event
Join the Provincetown Conservation Trust for a morning of helping create new trails and cleaning up conservation areas to show our love of the planet! Registration required.
Join the Provincetown Conservation Trust for a morning of helping create new trails and cleaning up conservation areas to show our love of the planet! Registration required.
Join us on Saturday, March 8th at 1pm to hear Peter Trull, one of the foremost coyote experts in the Northeast talk about the misconceptions and facts of the Eastern Coyote, the wonderful creatures we share the National Seashore with.
Come on out to Town Hall and visit PCT’s table at the Outer Cape Year Rounders Festival. This wonderful festival is held is held second Saturday of every March in Provincetown Town Hall.
Join naturalist Tom Walker in this hald mile walk along the Old Colony Nature Pathway to learn how to distinguish native and naturalized plants without their summer leaves or flowers.
Each February, for four days, the world comes together for the love of birds. The event is called the Great Backyard Bird Count, sponsored by Cornell Lab of Ornithology, National Audubon Society and Birds Canada. Join the PCT by participating.
Join field naturalist Peter Trull for an exploration of the dunes, beaches, and the open seas at Race Point Beach in Provincetown. Race Point, the wildest of Cape Cod beaches, often offers views of raptors, alcids, rare gulls, shorebirds, and a myriad of waterfowl. Learn how these birds survive and adapt to extreme conditions during the winter months.
Come celebrate the holidays by joining the PCT on our Holiday Lichen Walk!
The PCT is happy to help sponsor this event with the Harwich Conservation Trust. Planned giving is a forward thinking way to create a lasting legacy with your local land trust.
Join the PCT for another exciting Nature Talk at the Provincetown Brewing Company. This month it is a lunch and learn! Come to the PBC, order some delicious lunch and learn about planting biodiverse, pollinator-friendly, native gardens!
Join the PCT, The Town Of Provincetown, and the Center for Coastal Studies as we tackle cleaning up 88 and 86-R Atkins Mayor Road, conservation parcels the Town secured for open space with land bank funds.
The spectacle and excitement of bird migration, along with the brilliant autumn tree foliage at Beech Forest in Provincetown is an experience all birders anticipate. Join Mark Faherty from Mass Audubon to find warblers, grosbeaks, and other fall migrants, singing in the trees and thickets, while participants will observe and learn about all of the birds we find. (Photo by Susan Packard)
Join naturalist Dennis Minsky, Mark Adams of the National Seashore and the Provincetown Conservation Trust for a walk through Shank Painter and Clapps ponds. Free and open to the public. REGISTRATION REQUIRED.
The Trust’s 2024 Annual “Green” Party raises awareness about conservation for our fragile Provincetown eco-systems, protecting it for future generations of people and wildlife and expanding accessibility to these areas for residents and visitors.
Provincetown’s shorebirds in the summer are plentiful and spectacular. Join the PCT and birding expert Ross Sormani for a hike out to Hatches Harbor in the Cape Cod National Seashore where we hope to spot a variety of gulls, terns, and sandpipers among other featured friends who reside and feed at the shoreline.
Join Provincetown Conservation Trust President William Mullin and Recreando Cuidades President Frida Tellez and they lead a kid-focused event on the importance of nature in our lives at the Provincetown Library.
Please join us at the Provincetown Library to enjoy nature reflections and essays with PCT Trustee and Provincetown writer Dennis Minsky.
Join the Provincetown Conservation Trust and Herpetologist Scott Smyers in an exploration of Amphibians and Insects at night!
Join us on Friday, July 19th at 5:30 to hear Scott Smyers, a Herpetologist (an expert on amphibians and reptiles) speak about turtles found on Cape Cod and across Massachusetts, including Eastern Box Turtles, Blanding, Painted and Snappers! Where to spot them and how to help preserve their habitats.
Join the PCT Trustees on a walking tour of our newly acquired waterfront parcel at 1 Winston Avenue. We will be joined by naturalist Dennis Minsky and others who will guide us through this special land, its beach, and the shorebirds that rely on it for its habitat.
Join Provincetown Conservation Trust’s Naturalist Dennis Minsky and President William Mullin for a walk on the Old Colony Nature Pathway with exploration of Foss Woods and the Maple Grove Bird Sanctuary
Join Provincetown Conservation Trust’s Naturalist Dennis Minsky for a walk on the Old Colony Nature Pathway with exploration of Whistle Path Woods, Fox Run and the Dwyer Family Woodlands. Dennis will lead us through the brilliant and diverse fauna and flora of these areas.
The spectacle and excitement of bird migration, along with newly budding trees of the Beech Forest in Provincetown is an experience all birders anticipate each spring. Join birder and naturalist Ross Sormani as he guides us through Beech Forest and around Blackwater Pond during peak spring migration period. (Photo by Susan Packard)
The spectacle and excitement of bird migration, along with newly budding trees of the Beech Forest in Provincetown is an experience all birders anticipate each spring. Join Mark Faherty from Mass Audubon to find warblers, grosbeaks, and other colorful spring migrants, singing in the trees and thickets, while participants will observe and learn about all of the birds we find. (Photo by Susan Packard)
Join the PCT Land Stewards as we tackle Garlic Mustard at PCT property number 9 and the Hawthorne Wildlife Sanctuary. We need around 5 volunteers to help with this endeavor. If you are interested please contact our Land Steward Director Phil Spletzer at philspletzer@yahoo.com
Join us on Thursday, May 9th at 5:30 to hear Peter Trull, one of the foremost coyote experts in the Northeast talk about the misconceptions and facts of Eastern Coyote, the wonderful creatures we share the National Seashore with.
Join the Provincetown Conservation Trust for a morning of trail blazing at Whistle Path Woods. Registration required.
Join the PCT and naturalist Tom Walker as we commence with our First Hike of the year by exploring the great variety of lichens in Beech Forest.
Join us on Thursday, November 14th at 5:30 to hear Peter Trull, one of the foremost coyote experts in the Northeast talk about the misconceptions and facts of Eastern Coyote, the wonderful creatures we share the National Seashore with.
This guided walk is sponsored by Harwich Conservation Trust and Provincetown Conservation Trust. Join Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide Andrea Higgins for a unique way to experience the beauty of the Beech Forest. Slowly saunter the trails while admiring brilliant green moss, sand dunes, the Beech Forest, and the sparkling Blackwater Pond to immerse yourself in the gifts of nature. This guided mindful walk will gently invite you to notice all that is around you, engage your senses, and absorb the healing properties of the forest. This walk will cover a 1-mile loop and last approximately 2 hours. There will be one slight incline with varying terrain.
Registration is required. $20 per person. All proceeds benefits Harwich and Provincetown Conservation Trusts.
Join PCT advisor and Executive Director of the The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts Mark Robinson who will be giving a presentation on the History of Land Conservation on Cape Cod.
Join naturalist Dennis Minsky, Mark Adams of the National Seashore and the Provincetown Conservation Trust for a walk through Shank Painter and Clapps ponds. Free and open to the public. REGISTRATION REQUIRED.