Join the PCT in Voting for Four Important Land Conservation Articles at Town Meeting on Monday, April 1st, 6pm at the Provincetown Town Hall

Article 28



The PCT supports Article 25 which officially transfers the care and custody of 63-R Howland St. (Site Y) under the Conservation Commission. Voters voted in April 2022 Town Meeting to designate and dedicate this area for passive recreation and conservation. This article simply aligns this conservation property with others under the right governing body.

article 26

The PCT supports Article 26 to transfer care and custody of 2 Sandy Hill Lane under the Conservation Commission. Wetlands compose 90% of this .3 acre parcel. It abuts other conservation lands and serves as natural habitat for many of Massachusetts threatened species.


The PCT supports Article 27 which would transfer care of custody of 30 Creek Road under the Conservation Commission. This woodland and wetland was deemed not suitable for development and was found to still be home to the Eastern Spadefoot Toad, a threatened species in Massachusetts. Preserving this land would protect their habitat as well as for other flora and fauna.