Join the PCT in Supporting Four Conservation Articles at Town Meeting on Monday, April 1st, 6pm Town Hall
Below are descriptions of four articles sponsored by the Open Space Committee in Provincetown that the PCT fully supports and encourages voters to vote YES on April 1st at Town Meeting. Read about them below and download our “Guide to Voting Green at Town Meeting” and share with any voters you know in town!
The PCT supports Article 28 which transfers custody of the Old Colony Nature Pathway to the Conservation Commission for passive recreation and conservation purposes. In 1995, Town Meeting voted to dedicate this parcel for park, recreation, and conservation purposes. in 2007, Town Meeting voted to name it the Old Colony Nature Pathway, indicating a preference for conservation purposes. This transfer would bring the pathway into alignment of other town-owned conservation parcels.
The PCT supports Article 25 which transfers care and custody of 63-R Howland Street, which was voted unanimously by town voters in 2022 to designate as park, passive recreation, and conservation, from the Select Board to the Conservation Commission, aligning it with all other town-owned conservation properties.
article 26
The PCT supports Article 26 which establishes 2 Sandy Hill Lane as park, passive recreation and conservation land and transfers the .3 acres under the care and custody of the conservation commission. The small town-owned parcel is 90% undevelopable and abuts already protected wetlands which serve as habitat for species of special concern.
The PCT supports Article 27 which establishes 30 Creek Road as park, passive recreation and conservation land and transfers the .49 acres under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission. This town-owned parcel was deemed undevelopable after the discovery that it is still used as habitat for the threatened eastern spadefoot toad. This woodland and wetland parcel abuts already conserved parcels.