Vote YES on Article 29 to Protect and Preserve
Land on the Old Colony Nature Pathway.


A win / win for both conservation and eco-tourism in provincetown

The PCT supports the preservation and protection of 63-R Howland Street (Site Y), a 3.1 acre parcel which sits along the Old Colony Nature Pathway. This parcel includes two valuable wetlands as well as semi-forested dunelands where vegetation has taken hold. A recent third-party environmental study recommended this property be protected.

Environmental Study Released November 2021:

“This Site has a diversity of upland and wetland habitats that provide valuable food, shelter, and nesting habitat for a variety of wildlife species including state listed threatened species and species of special concern. The use of this Site by wildlife and connection to adjacent conservation lands, and the public’s current use of the walking paths throughout the Site contribute to the value of this land to remain undeveloped. The continued preservation of this Site contributes to the protection of the scenic and natural character of the Town of Provincetown and enhances the open-space value of this property and nearby lands.”

The continued preservation of this Site contributes to the protection of the scenic and natural character of the Town of Provincetown and enhances the open-space value of this property and nearby lands.”
— Baseline Natural Resources Assessment, 63 Rear Howland Street Parcel, Horsley Witten Group