This event is now at capacity. Thank you for your interest, please consider a donation to the PCT to help us in our mission of protecting and preserving Provincetown’s natural beauty.
The Trust’s 2022 Annual “Green” Party raises awareness about conservation for our fragile Provincetown eco-systems, protecting it for future generations of people and wildlife and expanding accessibility to these areas for residents and visitors.
We will give a presentation on our accomplishments this past year and our priority projects for next year. AND information on how you can help us preserve and protect Provincetown.
This year, we welcome our special guest speaker and PCT member Jane Weissman, author of “The History of the Provincetown Railroad.” She will be giving a presentation on the railroad, its importance to Provincetown’s history and where you can find evidence of the railroad today within the Old Colony Nature Pathway.
We will have complimentary beer from Provincetown Brewing Company, wine from Yardum Liquors, and appetizers from Liz Lovati catering and East End Market.